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The page of Pocsai-Faglin Mária, English biography

Image of Pocsai-Faglin Mária
Pocsai-Faglin Mária


Maria Pocsai-Faglin is a PhD student in Philosophy at the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of the University of Debrecen. Her research topic lies at the intersection of philosophy, psychology, and literature: (self-)creative writing.

Her first essays focusing on writing as a means of transformation and developing the Self were discussing the questions of narrative identity (“Fragments of Poetry as Reflections of the Problems of Moor’s Identity in Salman Rushdie’s The Moor’s Last Sigh”, 2001; “Fragmented Narration in Martin Amis’ Money and London Fields: The Other Selves of John Self and Samson Young”, 2003).

This latter work led her to a more in-depth investigation of human creativity: her second MA thesis was entitled “The Relation Between the Created and Creative “I” in Hannah Arendt’s Love and Saint Augustineand The Life of the Mind”, 2004).

Within two years, her research started to extend towards a new area, the object of this creativity, which is, at the same time, the subject itself.

(Editor of this page: Pocsai-Faglin Mária)

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